Follow the steps below to bulk upload your orders using our order template
1. From the menu click Orders than click Create Manual Order.
2. Click the Import Bulk Orders button.
3. Click the Download Template button. An .xls file with download to your desktop. Enable editing and add your orders to that file. (Save the file)
4. Click the Choose File button to import your orders.
5. Your orders will display in a list below which allows you to review the orders before you start to import them for processing. Orders that appear on the Errors tab will need to be reviewed and updated. Orders on the imported tab have not been flagged with an error.
6. To import your orders click the Start Import button - Please allow some time for the orders to import. Do not leave or click off the screen during this process. Once your orders have been imported they will move to the Imported Tab.
7. Click Process valid Orders to process the orders. Please allow some time for the orders to import. Do not leave or click off the screen during this process.
If an order is flagged as an Error, check the details are correct and edit as required to process the order. See tips below on possible errors.
Ensure that there are no special characters in phone numbers, postcode or state fields (commas, brackets, dashes)
We recommended completing all fields.
To include an invoice with the order an invoice URL / Hyperlink to the invoice will need to be added. The invoice should be stored/hosted on your server.
The quantity is in bottles. If you are sending a pre kitted carton of 6 or 12 the correct quantity to add onto the template would be 6 or 12 (bottles).